miten päästä pois Walled Garden Centurylinkistä

00:53hallinnan salasana

00:55yodeemi sitten kun laitat sen

00:57click sovelletaan ja sitten olet niin

01:00this case for an example I ’ ll just say

01:03y your internet light is yellow that means

01:06 it does not have the correct PPP user

01:09name in so what you need to do is it

01:12normally comes in that activating Letter

01:14 that you get in the mail or you have to

01:16call up CenturyLink and get that

01:18information so let ’s just say example

01:25for the user name and depending on the

01:28territory that you’ re in if you ’re in

01:30 länsirannikko jotkut lännen osavaltiot

01:32cast it would be at Qwest net if you’ re

01:35on the east coast it ’ll be at

01:39centurylink net and also with the

01:41password that they’ ll also provide you

01:43 kysy, ovatko he Questissa tai jos

01:46 olet CenturyLink netissä, joten on olemassa

01:49 kaksi aluetta, koska CenturyLink

01:51 aikaisemmin ostettu quest Ja he

01:54haven ei ole siirtänyt järjestelmiään yhteen

01:55system yet but that will be coming soon

01:58soo after you get the username and

02:01password the PPP username PPP Password

02:04click that in then you click Apply now

02:07in That Matter now I ’ ll show this and

02:11I ’ll go back to the previous page then

02:13your internet light

02:14will become yet our we’ ll go from yellow

02:17vihreä and it can be solid green order

02:20 to be flickering green either-or

02:21 that means you have internet


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