How to express your feelings with よかった ( = yokatta) – Maggie Sensei


猫に生まれてよかった !

= Neko ni umarete yokatta.

= We are very happy to have been born cats.

Hi everyone!
Today’s guest teachers are these precious cat teachers, Jinny and Sonia.
They are my angel buddies.


= Ii gesuto sensei ni kite moratte yokatta!

= I am glad that we have great guest teachers.


Hi! We are Jinny and Sonia.
Being cats is great! People love our fluffy fur. We can please people even just when we are sleeping.

In this lesson we will study the different usages of よかった ( = yokatta)

よい ( = yoi) / いい ( = ii) good, nice

:rrrr: past tense よかった ( = yokatta) was/were good

1) Something was good. / Doing something was good.

Ex. 「あの映画はよかったね。」

= Ano eiga wa yokatta ne.

= That movie was good, wasn’t it?

Ex. 「脚本はよかったけど、演技はひどかったなあ。」

= Kyakuhon wa yokatta kedo, engi ga hidokatta.

= I think the script was good, but the acting was horrible.

Ex. 昔はよかった。

= Mukashi wa yokatta.

= Things were better in old days.

Ex. 彼の歌、よかったね。

= Kare no uta, yokatta ne.

= His songs were really good, weren’t they?


= Kanojo no doko ga yokatta no?

= What did you like about her?


= Seikaku ga yokattan da.

= I liked her personality.

Ex. 髪を短く切ったのはよかったが冬は寒い。

= Kami wo mijikaku kitta nowa yokatta ga fuyu wa samui.

= It was nice getting my hair cut short but I feel cold in winter.

Ex. 別の色を足したのがよかった。

= Betsu no iro wo tashita no ga yokatta.

= Adding another color worked.

2) When you express your happy feelings or relief.

Ex. 家に携帯を忘れてきたかと思ったらポケットに入って*た!よかった~!

= Ie ni keitai wo wasurete kita ka to omottara poketto ni haitteta! Yokatta~!

= I thought I left my cellphone at home, but it was in my pocket. Whew!

(In casual speech, you omit い ( = i). 入っていた ( = haitte ita) →入ってた ( = haitteta) )

Ex. よかった~!間に合った!

= Yokattaa! Maniatta!

= Whew, I made it on time.

Ex. ああ、よかった!同じクラスだね。

= Aah, yokatta! Onaji kurasu dane.

= Oh goodie! We are in the same class, aren’t we?

3) adjective/ noun て ( = te) / で ( = de) + よかった ( = yokatta) : It is OK with someone/something, certain condition. / It was good because ~

Ex. あのホテルは静かでよかった。

= Ano hoteru wa shizuka de yokatta.

= I liked that hotel because it was quiet.

= That hotel was nice and quiet.

Ex. 「これでよかった?」

= Kore de yokatta?

= Is this OK?


= Un, iiyo.

= Yeah, that’s fine.

Ex. 会社の上司は優しくてよかった。

= Kaisha no joushi wa yasashiku te yokatta.

= I’m glad that my boss was nice at work.

Ex. いい天気でよかった。

= Ii tenki de yokatta.

= I am glad the weather is nice.

Maggie Sensei used to say:

Ex. 犬でよかった。

= Inu de yokatta.

= I am glad I am a dog.

Ex. 顔がきれいでよかった。 :)

= Kao ga kirei de yokatta.

= I am glad I have a pretty face.

4) verb て/で ( = te / de) + よかった ( = yokatta) : I am glad I did ~ / something happened.

Ex. 試験にやっと受かってよかった。

= Shiken ni yatto ukatte yokatta.

= I am glad that I finally passed the exam.

Ex. 生きて(い*)てよかった。

= Ikite (i) te yokatta.

= I love my life. / I’m glad to be alive. / I’m glad (someone else) is alive.

Note: Again, we tend to drop い ( = i) in conversation.

Ex. この会社に入れてよかった。

= Kono kaisha ni hairete yokatta.

= I am glad I got a job at this company.

Ex. Heddaに会えてよかった。

= Hedda ni aete yokatta.

= I am glad to have met Hedda.

Ex. 日本に行ってよかった。

= Nihon ni itte yokatta.

= I am glad I went to Japan.

Ex. 日本に行ってよかったですか?

= Nihon ni itte yokatta desuka?

= Are you happy that you went to Japan?

5) I am glad/happy that someone did something/ it happened: I am happy for you, him/her/them. / Good for someone

Ex. 元気になってよかったですね。

= Genki ni natte yokatta desu ne.

= I am happy that you are OK now.

Ex. お父さんに新しい車を買ってもらってよかったね。

= Otousan ni atarashii kuruma wo katte moratte yokatta ne.

= I am happy that your dad bought you a new car.

Ex. 財布、見つかってよかったですね。

= Saifu, mitsukatte yokatta desune.

= I am happy that you found the wallet.

Ex. 無事でよかった。

= Buji de yokatta.

= I am happy that he / she was / you / they were) safe. (nothing happened to you / him / her / them)

Ex. 私、今日来てよかったのかなあ。

= Watashi, kyou kite yokatta no kanaa.

= I wonder if it was OK for me to come today.

Ex. 「マギー先生、1級の試験に受かりました。」

= Maggie sensei, ikkyuu no shiken ni ukarimashita.

= Maggie Sensei. I passed the level 1 test.


= Sore wa yokatta desune.

= I am very happy for you.

(more casual)


= Yokatta ne.

= Yay! Good for you!

6) When you express your regrets for not doing something.: I should have done something / It would have been good if ~

(1) verb ば ( = ba)* + よかった ( = yokatta)

* verb ば ( = ba) verb conditional form

Ex. 試験に落ちちゃった。もっと勉強すればよかったなあ。

= Shiken ni ochichatta. Motto benkyou sureba yokattanaa.

= I failed the exam. I should have studied more.

Ex. 夏休みにみんなと北海道に行けばよかった。

= Natsuyasumi ni minna to Hokkaidou ni ikeba yokatta.

= I should have gone to Hokkaido with everyone over summer vacation.

Ex. 留学先は、神戸にすればよかった。

= Ryuugakusaki wa, Koube ni sureba yokatta.

= I should have gone to Kobe to study Japanese.

Ex. 私もパンケーキを頼めばよかった。

= Watashi mo pankeiki wo tanomeba yokatta.

= I should have ordered the pancakes, too.

Ex. お腹すいたなあ。家を出る前になんか食べておけばよかった。

= Onaka suitanaa. Ie wo deru mae ni nanka tabete okeba yokatta.

= I am hungry. I should have eaten something before I left home.

Ex. もっと早くマギー先生に聞けばよかった。

= Motto hayaku Maggie sensei ni kikeba yokatta.

= I should have asked Maggie Sensei earlier.

Ex. あんなこと彼に言わなければよかった。

= Anna koto kare ni iwanakereba yokatta.

= I shouldn’t have said such a thing to him.

Ex. また、太っちゃった。ケーキ食べなきゃよかった。

= Mata, futocchatta. Keiki tabenakya yokatta.

= I put on weight again. I shouldn’t have eaten the cake.

Note: 食べなければ (=tabenakereba) →casual contraction 食べなきゃ ( = tabenakya)

7) When you tell someone what they should have done. / I wish someone had done something

verb ば ( = ba) * + よかった ( = yokatta) + のに ( = noni)

verb ば ( = ba) verb conditional form

Ex. 昨日の飲み会楽しかったよ。直人も来ればよかったのに。

= Kinou no nomikai tanoshikatta yo. Naoto mo kureba yokatta noni.

= The drinking party was a blast. You should have come, Naoto.


= Motto hayaku itte kurereba yokatta noni.

= You should have told me earlier.

Ex. 一人で行けばよかったのに。

= Hitori de ikeba yokatta noni.

= You should have gone there by yourself.

Ex. 道に迷ったら、その辺にいる人に聞けばよかったのに。

= Michi ni mayottara, sono hen ni iru hito ni kikeba yokatta noni.

= When you got lost, you should have asked someone around there.

Note: When you complain or give someone a suggestion for the present situation, you use いいのに ( = iinoni)

Go check のに ( = noni) lesson.


maggierainbow125マギー先生より= Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei


= Jinny Sensei, Sonia Sensei, arigatou!

= Thank you, Jinny Sensei and Sonia Sensei.


= Watashi niwa sonnani koukai ga arimasen.

= I don’t have so many regrets.



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