definição de combustão’

exemplos de “combustão” numa instalação de combustão

estes exemplos foram seleccionados automaticamente e podem conter conteúdos sensíveis.Read more …

They are four times as efficient since they lose no energy to the internal combustion process.

Times, Sunday Times (2016)

carros elétricos têm quatro vezes mais Cobre do que um veículo de combustão interna e o equipamento de carregamento requer mais.

Times, Sunday Times (2016)

It changed with a single invention: o motor de combustão interna.

Times, Sunday Times (2016)

the Korean giant had already launch a partial recall after reports of spontaneous combustion while charging.

Times, Sunday Times (2016)

I like the feel of a combustion engine, the noise and the smell.

The Sun (2016)

The competition is not restricted to cars with internal combustion engines.

Times, Sunday Times (2008)

it is highly likely that the char absorbs some of the combustion products of the gas.

Randolph, Theron G. & Moss, Ralph W. (contribuinte) An Alternative Approach to Allergies (1990)

Modern fireworks also contain regulators to speed up or slow down the process of combustion.

Times, Sunday Times (2011)

the second is that they act as carriers for other toxins produced by combustion.

Times, Sunday Times (2014)

alguns gases são alimentados em uma câmara de combustão onde eles podem ser queimados com segurança.

Times, Sunday Times (2010)
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é alimentado por motores elétricos e um pequeno motor de combustão interna.

The Sun (2010)

they were enthusiastic to the point of spontaneous combustion.

Times, Sunday Times (2006)

Anyone who can overhaul an internal combustion engine can hold his own in the intelligence department.

Christianity Today (2000)

Other cases of spontaneous combustion have a weather explanation.

Times, Sunday Times (2013)

The report will warn such cuts are impossible while internal combustion engines are the main means for propulsing cars.

vezes, Sunday Times (2008)

outros casos de combustão humana espontânea foram relatados em várias partes do mundo, mas são extremamente raros.

Times, Sunday Times (2013)

The valve that lets air and fuel into the combustion chamber should close tight before the valve letting out the exhaust gases opens.

Times, Sunday Times (2006)

What do the internal combustion engine, the bicycle and the photograph have in common?

Times, Sunday Times (2014)

seu tom geral foi que melhorias na capacidade de bateria pode em breve levar carros elétricos de produtos nicho para desafiar o motor de combustão interna.

Times, Sunday Times (2016)

If not, why should you understand the internal combustion engine?

Times, Sunday Times (2008)

one is to dig it up, take it to the surface and treat it in combustion chambers.

Times, Sunday Times (2008)

a hybrid car uses both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor.

Times, Sunday Times (2007)

These heat the combustion chambers of the engine cylinders for a few seconds to help the engine fire up from stone cold with minimal Escape smoke.

Times, Sunday Times (2013)

The proposed solution to the electric car issue is the addition of little speakers near the wheels to broadcast the purr of a conventional internal combustion engine.

Times, Sunday Times (2009)

The agent works its way through the fuel system and removes harmful carbon deposits that build up in areas such as the combustion chamber and intake valves.

Times, Sunday Times (2006)

Rather than choosing fuel cell technology, the company decided to convert a conventional internal combustion engine to run on both liquid hydrogen and petrol.

Times, Sunday Times (2007)

I guess this is the first car that means we as sports car aficionados can see beyond the end of the internal combustion engine.

Times, Sunday Times (2007)

Thus the CO 2 produced by the combustion process is added to that already in the atmosphere.

Times, Sunday Times (2008)

carros elétricos podem ser alimentados por um décimo do custo do motor de combustão a gasolina convencional, mas normalmente ficar sem combustível com 100 milhas.

Times, Sunday Times (2011)

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